Dolár Comercial : --
Boi Gordo (B3) : --
Milho (CBOT) : --
Soja (CBOT) : --
Milho (B3) : --
Algodão (NY) : --
Petróleo : --

Soybean basis CFR China: New lows

Por: Eduardo Vanin
Prêmios, Prêmios
Publicado em: 15/01/2025 12:17

Indications continue to fall. Lower indications for all shipments this during overnight in China.

During the last overnight trades reported for Feb, Mar, Apr, May and June - new lows. Farmer selling was very active the last three days (close to 3 Mi tons).

Today farmer selling seems slower due to the lower FX (close to 6.0, one month low).

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