Dolár Comercial : --
Boi Gordo (B3) : --
Milho (CBOT) : --
Soja (CBOT) : --
Milho (B3) : --
Algodão (NY) : --
Petróleo : --

Morning Wrap Up: The harvest delay is mounting

Por: Eduardo Vanin
Artigo, Grãos
Publicado em: 16/01/2025 08:54

Too much rain across the center of Brazil. Rains favored part of RGDS and Paraná. The harvest dalay in MT, Goias and Bahia is mounting. There is no beans available. Tradings and local crushers in MT have no alternative unless pay a high premium for immediate delivery. EC and GFS are again in disagreement – EC shows more rains for Argentina and less rains for Central Brazil  next week. The GFS shows the opposite. Soybean farmer selling was 250k tons yesterday, much lower than the last three days ending os Tuesday (2.8 Mi tons in thee days). CFR China much slower and bid-offers got wider. The soybean and smeal programs are delayed. Sino booked more 1-2 soybean cargoes for April out of PNW. Reportedly Indonesia sold Feb olein under Malay – bearish signal. BO stocks in the US larger than expected in Dec. Arg traded smeal Full Feb at -3h. The soybean import calculation for Argy crushers out of North Ports in Brazil is close.

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