Dolár Comercial : --
Boi Gordo (B3) : --
Milho (CBOT) : --
Soja (CBOT) : --
Milho (B3) : --
Algodão (NY) : --
Petróleo : --

Morning Wrap Up: The spread between soybean premiums Fob-Fob is growing quickly

Por: Eduardo Vanin
Artigo, Grãos
Publicado em: 14/01/2025 08:22

Very limited rains for Southern Brazil in the last 72h. This week will be dry and very hot for MGDS, RGDS and Paraná, and very wet in the North. Excessive rain in the north is causing delays. Farmers report slow harvest progress and high-moisture beans (more than 30%). So far, there are few reports of damage or quality issues, but this can turn very quickly at this point. Rains are forecasted for this region for the 7-10 day range. Heat dome over Argy, PY and parts of Brazil for this week. With January looking less favorable for these regions, February pattern will be critical for Argentina and RGDS final yields. EC projects less rain for MT and Goiás for next week. Soybean farmer selling yesterday above 1 million tons. Premiums Fob and CFR dropped as expected (90 cents below season´s peak). The spread Fob-Fob Brz-USG is widening fast. China’s coverage for Feb is above 90% and March close to 85%. Market estimate 6-8 cargoes traded from Brz this overnight (15-20 cents below LW levels). Smeal premium Argy firmer this week, while Brazilian premiums are following beans downward. A growing apprehension about a potential strike of crushers in Argy, gave some support to Fob. Reports indicate that Vicentin, the second-largest crusher in the country with a daily capacity exceeding 24,000 metric tons, may go on strike due to financial problems. Locals say it should not be a problem if other crushers avoid spreading the strike idea.

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